The Acid Sport Co., Ltd. Security clearance : Basic infrared
The Acid Sport Co., Ltd., is a unique fashion brand started by the designer Vincent Spontanio in the year 2022 A.D, co-sponsored by the  MEGACO, the biggest little corporation in the world! The Acid Sport Co., Ltd., wishes to reassure you that it has only your best interests at stake in terms of contemporary trend management and personal brand application. We wish your life to be product-filled and carefree. “We got your back while you line our pockets” is a little thing over here we’re fond of saying. All Acid Sport messages have been fundamentally approved by all relevant governmental and societal agencies. Rest assured that our agents are working around the clock to keep you up to date in what you should know, say and do! The Acid Sport Co., Ltd. is not personally liable for any wrong-doing, imaginary or otherwise, committed while wearing its utterly banal, non-offensive, perfectly normal clothing offerings. Life is short! Pet dogs!  

Vincent Spontanio one-off bleach t-shirts: (I do custom work too! Hit me up :)). 

Acid Sport also recently printed its first stockholder-approved merchandise, a limited edition hand-painted silkscreen done at the best
place, Lefty Studio in Baumschulenweg. Drop me a line if you want one :) 

Drury Brennan / Berlin 10997 drurypbrennan@gmail.comYou miss all of the shots you never take.